Terms and Conditions
Complete and submit this form to be mailed subscription information for the current year. You only need to sign up once and the information you provide will never be sold or shared with third parties.
SSL enabled - our online store vendor and credit card processing vendor use encryption technology to ensure the data you submit stays private.
PCI compliant - our credit card processing vendor is verified to be secure and in compliance with Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards.
Subscribers of our Subscription Drive have the benefit of coverage for remaining balances on bills for services we render. Your healthcare and/or motor vehicle insurance companies will be billed for services rendered. Any remaining balance not collected from insurance companies will be waived if at least a portion of the original amount has been paid. Claims that are denied by applicable insurance policies are subject to normal billing rates. Subscribers without insurance coverage will be billed at the current Medicare allowable amount.
Annual subscriptions are valid once payment has been processed and remain in effect until March 01 of the following year.
Subscribers who receive services from an Emergency Medical Services agency other than Upper Saucon Ambulance Corps and within our primary coverage area may be eligible for these benefits as part of reciprocal agreements. We maintain reciprocal agreements with most nearby agencies.
Subscriptions are non-refundable and non-transferable. You may add or remove household members to a household subscription by notifying us by e-mail or in writing by certified mail.
We cannot guarantee availability, especially during periods of high demand, but maintain contingency plans to reduce any delays in care.
Policies related to our Subscription Drive are subject to change without notice. Current policy information is available on our website.
Subscription questions or requests for changes may be directed via e-mail to subscriptions@uppersauconems.org, via mail to 5560 Camp Meeting Rd, Center Valley, PA 18034, or by calling 610.282.1565.
Upper Saucon Ambulance Corps is a non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Equal opportunity employer.
We will never sell your personal information such as email address or phone number. Information we obtain as part of our Subscription Drive is only used internally and by our authorized billing agent for billing and collection purposes.
Upper Saucon Ambulance Corps (USAC) collects, receives, and maintains information that we categorize as Protected Health Information (PHI) or Non-Protected Health Information (non-PHI). PHI is protected under federal law. Our Notice of Privacy Practices explains how we treat PHI.
Information that is non-PHI, such as information collected as part of our Subscription Drive, is still considered by USAC to be confidential. Although it is not protected by law, we will never sell or release your information (non-PHI) to other companies other than what is needed to process and maintain your subscription information.
By using this site, you agree to the following terms:
This site, its web location, and visitor agreement are subject to change without notice. You agree that use of this site is at your own risk. Information provided is "as-is." Information contained within this site is not guaranteed to be accurate and is subject to errors in information and loss of availability. This site assumes no liability for any losses or damages resulting from the use, direct or indirect, of this site or any of its content or links to third party content.
This site is referred to as any page, form, electronic mail address, file, etc. with the domain "uppersauconems.org" or our subscription microsite.
Privacy Policy
Information may be collected from your use of this site. This may include IP address, browser type, operating system, date/time of use, etc. and any information you voluntarily provide through electronic forms and/or electronic mail.
Collection of information from this site will be in accordance with our Notice of Privacy Practices. These practices are in accordance with federal mandates adopted under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).
Copyright Notice
Content on this site is the property of Upper Saucon Ambulance Corps, unless otherwise cited. Unauthorized use of materials on this site is prohibited. This includes all text, images, audio, video, and design features.